Living Alone, Freedom, and Everything in Between

12:46 pm nat 0 Comments

I always wonder, or used to wonder to be exact, what living alone feels like. No parents, no boyfriend, no close friends, no roomate, my own home,  a good job, a good thought, beautiful city, good surroundings, good gadgets... and everything you’ve ever wanted.
But in the real world, nothing is that perfect.  Everything seems evil, cruel, bad...
Living alone isn’t that simple. It’s rather tiring.
Your boss is a pain in the ass, friends are nowhere to be found, lover is out of the town, paperworks keep pilling up, your home is a mess, and you’re too tired to fix things up. You are away from the people you love.
You can call them, tell them how bad your day was, how you hate your life and want to get back to your initial life no matter how lame it was, but still, they’re not there. No hugs, no sweet kisses, no pat in the back, no hands to hold, no shoulder no cry on, there’s not enough face to see.  How could this be? How could this loneliness and freedom euphoria be so much phony?
If you think that living alone is such a great idea, you’re right. But unlike love which is (bitter) sweet from near and afar, it’s a fatamorgana. It’s fantasy.


Friends or Lovers

12:30 pm nat 0 Comments

Friends or lovers? Tough decision.
Kamu ngga tau mana yang lebih kamu cintai lebih dari yang satunya dan mana yang lebih mencintai kamu. Kamu butuh keduanya tapi ngga bisa ninggalin salah satu. Karena merekalah yang bikin kamu tetep berdiri di saat yang satunya bikin kamu jatuh. We keep turning back and forth to them.
Pilih temen, pacar ngga suka. Pilih pacar, temen kecewa.
You love them both. You can’t stand straight without them. You don’t want to lose any of them.
Karena mereka terlalu berharga. Keduanya melengkapi kita.
Dan saat pilihan ini disodorkan ke depan hidungmu, mana yang bakal kamu pilih?
Or, should we choose, like John Mayer says, nothing? Karena memilih untuk tidak memilih pun merupakan sebuah pilihan.


Birthday Wishlist yang Ngga Ngukur Diri

12:28 pm nat 0 Comments

1.       Ricoh GXR Digital Camera

2.       Dee’s Rectoverso

3.       Perahu Kertas original DVD

4.       A pair of Oxford shoes

5.       iPad 4

6.       Murakami’s books

7.       A medium Forever Friends bear

8.       Shiny princess cut ring

9.       Asus Eee PC 1025C

10.   Alain de Botton’s On Love

11.   iPod Touch

12.   Having a great feast of food with E and close friends

13.   Genuine leather satchel bag from ASOS

14.   Gossip Girl DVD all season

15.   Be proposed (Okay, this is insane. But this is what comes in mind when I think about something else.) 


Resolusi 2013

11:33 am nat 0 Comments

Saya kira catetan resolusi 2012 saya hilang. Tadinya ngga jadi bikin evaluasinya, eh ngga taunya catetannya keselip di folder. So here’s the evaluation:
1.    Kurangi ngomel2 di sosmed.
Ini ngga bisa dibilang gagal tapi ngga bisa juga dibilang berhasil. Karena sekarang dengan smartphone ini twitter jadi gampang banget dijangkau. Tapi ngomel-ngomelnya pun ‘berkelas’, ngga asal bacot. Since I called it ‘kurangin’, so... check!

2.    Kurangi tweet2 ngga penting. Stop update status di Facebook. Twitter dan Facebook cuma buat promosi blog, spread ONLY the positive words, and keep in touch with family and friends.
Facebook hampir ngga pernah dipake kecuali untuk message-message-an sama temen yang nge-message duluan, main games, dan login 4shared. Tweet taun ini rata-rata isinya quote-quote makjleb, apalagi menjelang akhir taun. Jadi check!

3.    Punya deadline nulis.
I got it in the beginning of the year dan tertatih-tatih memenuhi deadline yang berimpitan sama deadline tugas kampus. I made it. But in the middle of the 2012 I lost it. Got distracted by writing competitions here and there. So, not check.

4.    Stop kebiasaan buruk.
Semacam meper upil di mana aja dan bangun pagi ini gagal.

5.    Olahraga seminggu sekali.
Ini gagal total juga.

6.    Have a Blackberry.

7.    Nabung 50.000 per bulan, 2000 per hari.
Now, when I reread this, I don’t understand how I can even write this.

8.    Selalu baca satu buku setiap bulan.

9.    Posting blog 5-6 kali sebulan.
I lost my counting. So no.

10.  Dapet keputusan negara buat going abroad.
Check. I’ll go to US. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir lagi sepertinya saya menetap di Indonesia dulu sampe lulus S2.

11.  Latihan toefl satu latihan per hari.
Ini gagal.

12.  Nyelesein final draft satu buku.
Ini juga gagal. See, I’m not born to do essay with a certain theme for the competitons. It only puts me in a jail.
And here’s my 2013 resolutions:
1.    Nyelesein 1 novel.
2.    Nerbitin antologi cerpen.
3.    Nge-mall sendirian.
4.    Baca 30-45 buku buat 2013 Indonesian Romance Reading Challenge.
You can read more here.
5.    Nikmatin hujan di Bogor sama pacar.
6.    Stop kebiasaan buruk, semacam meper upil di mana-mana, nyimpen baju yang rapi, dll.
7.    Blogging tiap hari.
8.    Olahraga seminggu 2 kali.
9.    Set a writing routine and stick to it.
10.  Naikin berat badan jadi 42 kg.
11.  Lebih bersih dan mulus.
Wish me luck! J